Sunday, March 2, 2008

the sunday spread...

sunday always seems to be a bad eating day for me. i don't know if it's the fact that i already fell off the wagon on friday and saturday or if the problem lies in the fact that we go from house to house visiting family and friends, and at each house everyone wants to feed us. or should i say, i choose to indulge in dessert at everyone's house. either way it's a problem i need to have a plan for. working on that in my tiny brain.

today i did not exercise
ate bowl of yummy shrimp gumbo
a bowl of chicken & sausage gumbo
a bowl of feta & grape salad
3/4 cup of potato salad
1 slice of ham
12 black olives
a mint brownie
a regular brownie
a piece of poppy seed cake
a piece of carrot cake
and two spoonfuls of chocolate ice cream
about 32 ounces of water.

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