Friday, April 4, 2008

it's easier after three months...

but still not a habit. this is my take on the saying "if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit"
i know for sure it wasn't a habit for me after 21 days.
it is more of a habit today, but for me, i still feel like i can slip out of my new formed habit very easily. especially on the weekends i really try to justify not exercising. i've developed a pretty good routine which has allowed me to only missed a few days of exercise. less than five over the last three months.
so i think following a routine is a better way to look at it. so it's not just the exercise but a whole routine in the morning that lets me do whatever after 9:00 am. like eating breakfast, reading my scriptures, taking my vitamins, showering and getting ready.

i did the stairmaster for 45 minutes, swam for 30 minutes

i went to the tree room last night at sundance with some fun friends. i forgot how yummy and fresh the food is. when i left i felt full but not stuffed, and i was stuffed with healthy choices. okay, except for the delicious homemade churros.

i also ordered the braised chicken with sunchokes, beets, spring garlic, and mushrooms

an amuse bouche of halibut ceviche
asparagus soup
asparagus salad
poppy seed roll with fresh butter
churros 5 small & hot chocolate 1/8 cup

during the day i ate
2 ounces of chicken
sloppy joe 4 oz. no bun
pad thai 1/2 cup
funeral potatoes 1/4 cup

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